The Best PHP Framework: Yii vs cakephp
Choosing the best PHP framework can be a little daunting amid the environment where all web frameworks are too good to get off. A focused thorough process goes in choosing the framework, especially if it is going to affect you in the long run. If you too are one of those who fear making that wrong choice for your business, fret not. We will compare the two most commonly used frameworks viz. CakePHP and Yii, for you to decide which one is best PHP framework for you.
Many considerations like framework sustainability, security, technique are major deciding factors in bringing our ideas live. But prior to these details you need to have a clear idea of the requirements you have, like what will be the purpose of your website, what kind of hosting environment will your website have or what will your budget be?
Here we will feature some characteristics unique to CakePHP and Yii and look upon the differences that sets them apart.
Popularly known as a rapid development framework CakePHP facilitates development of a website in simpler and faster way with less code requirement. It offers an extensible architecture deploying applications and follows ORM and MVC design patterns. Certain distinctive features are:
- Compatibility with 4th and 5th PHP versions
- Excellent code generation
- Flexible caching
- MVC architecture
- Data sanitization
- Built-in validation
- Application scaffolding
Yii is the high-performing PHP framework which best support your website if it is too large to handle. It provides some most efficient resources to the developers working on it. Whether yours is small or big website, Yii will serve you the best. Let’s check out some of its features:
- AJAX-enabled widgets
- Extremely flexible and extendable
- Automatic code generation
- Security measures from attacks such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection
- Detailed documentation
- Zend support
- API support
- Error-handling and caching
Yii vs Cakephp: Which one is the best PHP framework?
- Open source with MIT license
- It works with PHP 4 and 5
- Doesn’t support SQLite3
- Models, views and controllers are created using bake tool
- Object oriented
- Themes, widgets, extensions and modules have to be created
- Speed is slow as compared to Yii
- Quick code generation but harder to understand
- Open source with BSD license
- Yii requires PHP 5.3
- Doesn’t support SQLite3
- Model, view, controller, curd and module are created using GII: What really makes Yii stand out is the special case CRUD, as it makes things a lot easier.
- Object oriented
- In-built support of themes, extensions, widgets, and modules
- High speed of development
- Integrates with javascript framework Jquery
- Comprehensible code generation
There is a huge difference in the way models are handled in cake and as they are handled in Yii. The composite primary key cannot be used in CakePHP, which is supported in Yii. Yii comes with a complete package of features and support, with excellent documentation leveraging easy understanding of its working procedures. The choice of best PHP framework is decided based on your requirements. However, Yii takes the winning point in most of cases like speed, flexibility and functionality, CakePHP’s rapid development feature; automated configuration makes it a good PHP framework to work with.
If you are looking for web applications based on CakePHP or Yii, we specialize in both the frameworks. Or you are looking for full-fleged service package, we will deliver you with the best PHP framework for your website. You can always REACH US
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