Mobile App Engagement Techniques
With the increased growth in mobile app users it has become important for mobile apps to engage the users. Success of an app is determined by the number of active users and retention rate and not by increasing the number of downloads by improving the app visibility about which we have discussed in our last article 5 Effective ways to Improve Your Mobile App Visibility, as these numbers do not assure any profit at all.
To be successful in mobile app business we need to make sure that the users are performing the pre-defined features of the app which is called app engagement. Our real customers are those who will use the app as productively as we need them to. We no longer monetize apps only by selling them but increasingly focused on monetizing app engagement. App engagement can be measured in a variety of ways like number of active users, amount of time spent on the app, number of sessions, etc. A healthy mobile app engagement is required if we want our app to achieve the desired business goals. After ranking our app in the top search results of the app store and getting huge installs, we need to make sure that our app is actually being used by the users and they are performing the respective functions of the app.
The characteristics that would really make a user feel like opening the app every day is the content that matches the interests of the user without annoying with too many ads. The key to app engagement is the value you create for your users and if the app is not able to give them what they like, they won’t use it. An app should understand the requirements of the user and act accordingly. It is important to focus on retaining the users on your app after they download the app as most of the users will not download the app again if they have uninstalled it once and getting the user download the app uses many resources. Various techniques to retain and engage the user on your app are discussed below:
On-board the User Include a tour function or something that can explain your app’s features and how it works. Doing it graphically is better as long texts scare the customers. The interface and the text should be as simple as possible as too many pictures on the first page distract and confuse the user. Give them a promotion offer or send them a push notification that will force the customer to use the app quickly after the download. The additional features should not be offered in the initial stage as the customer here is not comfortable using the app.
Hook the User Hooking the user on the app requires a loop that compels the user to come over and use the app again and again. The gaming apps have done this by creating stages of the game which forces the user to compete for the next stage as he clears the previous stage. For creating that loop you need to know the motivation of the user of downloading the app and offer the rewards from time to time so that the user returns to the app. Try to be in the sight and mind of the user through push notifications as staying away from mind and sight for too long will result in forgetting and eventually deleting the app.
Gradually Expose Other Features Get your users deeper in the app by carefully paving their way. Always give your customer the right to choose. Taking actions without user’s consent will never bring good results. At first let your users see what the main functionality is and let them analyze their preferences.
Secure Private Data Never steal user’s personal information without asking. People are very sensitive to their privacy. If customers agree to share their contacts and other information, your app should know how to use it and stop asking the same thing over and over again.
Talk to Customers Speaking to the customers and clearing out their queries is one the most important factors through which you can retain your customers. Your customers should be aware that when they can talk to you for their queries after they download the app. They should be treated nicely while being supported and each of their queries should be solved within time. Various apps are being very prompt by adding chat feature enabled in their app which is immensely helpful in retaining customers. These are the various points which if dealt properly can take your app and the business to the new heights. We have many more mobile app marketing techniques which will be discussed in our next segment. Stay tuned!
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